In this website, we provide every information related to Jharkhand Academic Council (JAC) and JAC board exam. We provide information about the JAC board exam date, pdf of sample paper of exam, model question paper, moke test, and topper's answer sheets. This website is very beneficial for student of class 10th, 11th, and 12th. Here we train the student on how to win with fear of exam, how to write properly in the answer sheet, how to mark important points while writing an answer, how to obtain good marks, how to familiar with board exams before giving board exam, and the main thing is how to become Jharkhand topper.
Official Website Of Academic Council (JAC)-
Jharkhand Board Examination Resource
Jharkhand board examination resource like mock test question paper, model question paper, and topper's answer sheet is given below. you can access them by clicking the given link.
JAC Board Mock Test and Model Questions Paper
JAC Board Topper Answer Sheet
Jharkhand Board (JAC) Exam Preperation Tips By 2nd State topper (Science 2016)
A few days ago we talked with Priya Verma about board exam preparation who was the 2nd state topper of Jharkhand Board (2016).
She is sharing her own experience regarding how to score well and acquire good knowledge.
Subject Wise Suggestion:-
- Read each and every topic Sincerely.
- NCERT Book is good enough but its content is concise, so take help from the reference Books for better understanding.
- Practice paper, Model paper and Previous Year Question papers are important, so practice these questions again and again by which you will get the idea about the upcoming trend of questions.
- In every year in JAC Exam few questions are beyond the syllabus, whether you know or Don’t know just attempt it.
- In the last time you should make routine and give at least 3 to 4 hours for physics, in these hours you have to write derivation and solve model question paper.
- Books Recommendations: - H.C.Verma.
- For Good marks underline the keywords in your answer sheet.
- NCERT Book is Sufficient for JAC Board Exam but if you want to flourish your knowledge then you can prefer reference Books.
- In ORGANIC section try to understand the mechanism of the reaction, it helps you to determine the product.
- Practice Named Reactions more attentively because it is important for JAC exam.
- In INORGANIC section, read NCERT book thoroughly and practice reactions.
- Use multicolor pens for writing your answer sheet but most probably use Blue and Black pen.
- Try to answer the question to the point and conceptually correct.
- In the PHYSICAL section, solve NCERT problems. If you are able to solve then you can easily score on JAC Exam.
- Follow NCERT book as a base and write notes in your own words after reading the chapters.
- This is the Subjects which require high word accuracy, so increasing the Accuracy revise the words again and again.
- Along with all theoretical part, you have to be more careful about the Diagrams. Try to Draw it neat and well-labeled.
- Description of the diagram below the diagram is more important, so don’t ignore these small things.
- It is a literature subject so doesn’t take it so softly, be careful during Reading the chapter.
- Read all the Story and Poem with good understanding and try to imagine that story which helps you during writing answers.
- Every chapter has some important word related to the context, so point out those words and uses them in your answer during Exam.
- For reading and writing section practice it more and focus on grammatical errors and the given formats of all the topics.
- In reading section, write the answer in your own words after understanding the context.
- Coding is more important and practices it lots.
- Practicing coding on PC is more effective than on Copy and always checks the output by variable inputs.
- When you will run the program, always see the flow of the compiler.
- Never prefer any guide/ Guess paper in Computer Science.
- In Object Oriented Programming give examples in your answer book.
- Solve Error finding and output more and more.
- For theoretical part follow SUMITRA ARORA.