CBSE board is control by the government of India and it is one of the best educational boards in India. They provide quality education. Getting good marks in the CBSE board is very grateful and become a rank holder is an honor in CBSE board because they select topper among students of all over India.
If you are a student of class 10 or class 12 and want to obtain good marks in the upcoming CBSE board exam and become a rank holder in CBSE board, then you have to keep in mind some instruction we are providing here. Always believe in your self and keep in mind toppers are not extraordinary. They are the same as you. They have same knowledge as you . But they have writing skills. They know how to write the answer in a proper way so that evaluator can easily understand.
These are some points you have to follow in the upcoming board exam :
1. Write every answer step by step
2. Your answer sheet should be clean
3. Use the different color pen to underline some important points in answer
4. Try to give an example as much possible
5. Try to represent diagrammatically your answer if possible.
In this website, We are providing CBSE board toppers answer sheet for class 10 and 12 from 2014 to 2020. Download these toppers answer sheet from the link given below. We hope that this toppers answer sheet helps you to obtain good marks in the upcoming board exam and become a rank holder.
Mathematics is a very important subject and you can get full marks in Mathematics in CBSE board because marking in CBSE is step by step and very clear. Here is topper's answer sheet of Mathematics of previous years. You can download it and analyze how toppers get full marks by representing answers in the proper way.
Download CBSE board Physics toppers answer sheet (2014- 2020) from the link given below. In the CBSE Physics toppers answer sheet you can see every answer is explained by the diagram, graph, and with some example. Every CBSE toppers Physics answer sheet is very clean and an important point is marked by a different color. These important things are enough for obtaining good marks on the Upcoming board exam.
In this website, we are sharing CBSE board chemistry toppers answer sheet from the year 2014 to 2020. You can download this from the link given below and can obtain good marks by understanding toppers writing skills.
Obtaining good marks in biology is not easy because every question is concept based and can only properly explained with the help of a diagram. Hence, download the CBSE board biology toppers answer sheet from the link given below and you can see diagrammatically explained answer by toppers. You can obtain good marks in the upcoming CBSE board biology exam from this.
CBSE class 10 board exam is very important stage of students life because on the basis of class 10th marks students are able to get admission in top intermediate school and class 10th marks are also important for competition in the selection of streams like arts, commerce, and science. Hence good marks in class 10th make better options for future studies and your dream. In this website, we are providing CBSE Board class 10th toppers answer sheet of the subject like Mathematics, Science, Social Science, English, Hindi, etc. You can download this from the given link. It will help you in writing proper answers with examples and diagrams. You can obtain good marks in the upcoming CBSE 10th board exam. Best Of Luck.